
Back Pain Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

 Back Pain Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Back pain is one of the ailments that people face the most. According to a medical report, four out of every five people experience back pain at some point in their lives. Usually, this pain starts from below the ribs and it is felt to spread to the hip. At first, this pain is not very intense, but over time it is treated to reduce the pain. If precautions are not taken, its severity may increase. The causes of back pain are different; some people experience this pain due to prolonged sitting while others may experience it due to many other ailments.

Causes of back pain

The causes of back pain can be as follows.

Muscle spasms

  Back pain can be caused by muscle strains, and muscle strains are among the most common causes of back pain. Lifting something heavy or doing too much exercise can cause strain in the back muscles which eventually leads to pain.

Bone spurs, Arthritis, and Lumps in the spine, can be a sign of cancer, Kidney stone infection, or bacterial or fungal infection of the spine.

Back pain symptoms

The symptoms of this pain are not many; however, the following symptoms may appear due to this disease.

Pain in any area from the hip to the ribcage experiencing pain when standing, sitting or walking.

Treatment of back pain

Back pain is usually caused by physical activity. Therefore, the best way to treat back pain is to make small changes in routine activities. Apart from this, there are several effective remedies for back pain which are as follows.

Correct posture

Correct sitting and standing posture is important to reduce stress on the lower back, which will reduce symptoms of back pain. Belts, tape, or scratch bands can help with back pain. It can be taken to adopt correct posture when standing and sitting. Sitting with too much back bending increases the severity of back pain, as most people sit with their back bent and look at the laptop with their back bent. They hold on, due to which the risks of this pain increase. So avoid bending the back too much and sit straight while working on laptop or computer and try to keep the whole body calm including the shoulders.

  Avoid smoking at all costs

According to some medical research, the risk of spinal cord diseases increases in people who smoke cigarettes. People who smoke cigarettes have a four percent increased risk of back pain, as the nicotine in cigarettes weakens the spinal cord seals, depriving the spinal joints of vital nutrients. Therefore, it is important to strengthen the spine by giving up the habit of smoking, which will reduce the risk of back pain.

Get rid of obesity

By getting rid of excess body weight and fat around the abdomen, the burden on the back is reduced. According to medical experts, weight loss reduces the pressure on the spine, which reduces the risk of back pain.

Use of supplements

Generally, various vitamins and minerals are obtained with the help of diet, however, in case of back pain, some supplements can also be used according to the doctor's advice. Vitamin D plays a very important role in maintaining bone health. By maintaining a balanced amount of it in the body, the risks of bone problems are also reduced. Along with this, vitamin D along with calcium also plays an important role in strengthening the bones. Due to the lack of vitamin D, many people have to face back pain, while due to the lack of magnesium, the muscles also become weak. Stiffness and weakness may occur. So try to keep the amount of different vitamins and minerals in the body balanced.

Specific exercises

Strengthening the abdominal muscles provides good support to the back and making the abdominal muscles flexible and strong reduces the severity of back pain and makes it easier to prevent. Exercises performed lying on your stomach, including yoga, can play a role in reducing back pain. Along with these back pain treatments, certain foods can also be very helpful in reducing back pain. can go.

Foods for Back Pain

The severity of back pain can also be reduced with the help of the following foods.


Ginger contains all the nutrients that play an important role in maintaining human health, along with ginger has many medical benefits. In case of back pain, grind ginger with water and add eucalyptus oil to it. Massaging this paste on the back every day will reduce the pain.


Poppy seeds can also play a role in reducing back pain. Take one hundred grams of poppy and misri and grind them well. Consuming one spoonful of this powder with milk every day will reduce back pain symptoms.

Basil leaves

Consuming basil leaves can also reduce back pain. Add some leaves to a cup of water and boil until the water is reduced to half a cup. If there is half a cup of water left, take it off the stove and cool it down, then add a pinch of salt to it. Consuming this water once a day will reduce the severity of back pain symptoms.


This vegetable also contains ingredients that can play a role in reducing back pain as garlic is a vegetable with many medicinal benefits. Eating two to three pieces of it every day reduces the pain while massaging the back with the help of its oil can also be done.

The milk

Milk is rich in calcium, which not only strengthens bones but also increases muscle strength. So, make a glass of milk a part of your diet and get rid of back pain. If the symptoms of back pain appear, try to get rid of it with the help of these remedies and foods. If your back pain symptoms do not decrease or worsen after trying, you should consult a neurosurgeon. 

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  1. Good, very effective treatment against backpain

  2. Great research keep it up sir
