Paralysis is considered a disease that has no cure, this impression is completely wrong. Obstruction of cerebral arteries due to which the blood supply to the brain is affected is called paralysis. Sugar, blood pressure, obesity, smoking, and tobacco. , alcohol consumption, and heart valve disease, there are risks of such diseases.
Paralysis its causes, and control
blood pressure and sugar are not controlled through medication and dietary
precautions, you can suddenly suffer from paralysis due to high blood pressure
and sugar levels at any time. An attack can happen at any time. People who are
mostly sedentary and do not do any kind of exercise are more likely to have
Immediately after a paralysis attack, one should go
to a hospital or a qualified doctor. The paralysis patient can be saved by
providing first aid to the hospital immediately. In case of paralysis, the
patient should be kept upright. Supply of fresh air should be made constant.
There are two types of paralysis. One is the rupture of the blood vessels in
the brain, and the other is a blockage in the blood vessels of the brain. Heart
disease, heart valve disease, and fatty deposits in the arteries of the neck
are important causes of paralysis.
of paralysis
Sudden crooked mouth or non-functioning of hand or
foot on any one side, affected voice. For the diagnosis of this disease, an MRI
or CT scan of the brain should be done to find out which part of the brain is
affected by paralysis.
The rate of paralysis patients in Pakistan has
exceeded 40%. Paralysis will become the fourth major disease in Pakistan in the
coming years. At least 22% of people suffering from paralysis in Pakistan die.
They go into the mouth or become disabled. Pregnant women have more chances of
paralysis. It is called CVST and it is diagnosed by MRV.
Paralysis in children is caused by brain infections,
heart valve problems, and blood disorders. One in four people in the world will
have paralysis at some point in their life and it is preventable.
How can one be protected from paralysis?
Keeping your blood pressure under control and taking
blood pressure medication regularly. Keeping your sugar under control and
taking your medication regularly. It is necessary to walk for at least 15 to 20
minutes daily.
Avoiding smoking
Avoiding depression and stress as one in six
paralysis is due to stress. Control anger and reduce cholesterol. Keep in mind,
one in five paralysis is caused by obesity. If someone has paralysis, the role
of physiotherapy along with medicines is very important. In addition, if any of
the symptoms of paralysis are found in any patient, immediately contact a brain
doctor i.e. neurologist, and avoid paralysis. Avoid Complications after
Paralysis Complications like a chest infection, urinary tract infection,
numbness in hands and feet, depression, body pain, etc. are common.
Remember that by adopting a healthy lifestyle, you
can avoid paralysis and paralysis complications. Paralysis is a disease that
not only paralyzes any part of the body but can also lead to death. It happens
when blood and oxygen in an artery that supplies blood to the brain are blocked
(Ischemic Paralysis) or ruptured (Brain Hemorrhage). People of any age can be
targeted due to today's lifestyle which raises blood pressure and increases the
risk of this deadly disease.
The symptoms of paralysis include severe headache,
dizziness, changes in vision or blurring, difficulty in speaking, numbness in
the body, etc. However, sudden thunder or neck pain can also be a sign of it,
and these symptoms In case of the presence of any of them, it is necessary to
consult medical experts, even if it later turns out to be a common disease.
However, you can significantly reduce your risk of
paralysis by making some lifestyle changes, including the following.
Eating tomatoes
The antioxidant called lycopene gives the red color
to the tumor and according to a recent medical study, the risk of any type of
stroke is reduced by 55% and the risk of ischemic stroke by 59% in people who
have high levels of lycopene in their blood.
A high amount of this antioxidant is found in
tomatoes, while watermelon and guava are also considered to be the best for
getting it. Exercising is also a great way to reduce the risk of paralysis. A
recent study revealed this. Moderate-to-vigorous exercises such as jogging or
cycling reduce the risk of silent paralysis, which can lead to memory problems.
Maintaining a normal body weight and avoiding alcohol can reduce the risk of
paralysis by 80%.
Low salt intake
The American Heart Association recommends half a
teaspoon of salt per day, but most people consume far more than that. Salt
increases blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for paralysis. People
who consume a lot of salt in their diet double the risk of paralysis.
Body weight loss
Obesity is the root cause of many diseases as it
increases the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure, both of which are major
risk factors for paralysis.
Controlling cholesterol
An increase in the level of unhealthy LDL
cholesterol while a decrease in the level of beneficial HDL cholesterol
increases the likelihood of clots in the arteries, which restricts blood flow,
leading to paralysis.
Removing saturated and trans fat from the diet
reduces the level of bad cholesterol while increasing the level of good
cholesterol, in this regard the use of medicines prescribed by the doctor is
also beneficial.
Monitor heart rate