
Dark chocolate benefits and harmful affects

In this article, you will read about the benefits and effects on the human body. Chocolate is used for making many delicious dishes or after dinner. A recent report from consumer reports suggests that some popular chocolate brands are higher in lead and cadmium than what is within the healthy ranges. Dark chocolate has long health benefits as it can improve our moods, decrease inflammation and even increase blood flow. But some experts are now warning of heavy metals in some of our favorite dark chocolate bars.

In the past, many studies on dark chocolate have shown that it has many benefits for us, but recently, a new study has found that these chocolate bars contain toxic metals. Consumer Reports tested 28 chocolate bars from popular companies in a laboratory and found that all of these bars contained elements called to lead and cadmium. Both of these heavy metals have been linked to lung problems, memory problems, cancer, and premature death. But experts say you'd have to eat more than a sharing-size bar of chocolate per day to see the effect of these elements in chocolate. Cadmium is a natural element found in the soil and is sometimes absorbed by plant roots and transported to cocoa beans. While lead pollutes the environment. Since these beans are dried in the open, side winds will likely contaminate them.

When it comes to our health, dark chocolate is like a double-edged sword. Cacao beans are full of beneficial antioxidants, and dark chocolate contains more cocoa than its more processed, sugar-laden cousin, milk chocolate. However, the soil in which cocoa beans are grown contains lead and cadmium.

Lead is considered hazardous to humans. Long-term exposure causes memory loss, stomach aches, and mood swings in adults. High levels of this metal in children can damage the brain and central nervous system and cause learning and behavioral problems in children. On the other hand, even small amounts of cadmium can cause kidney cancer and brittle bones.

When consuming 1 ounce of dark chocolate with 70% cocoa, that provides 20-25 milligrams of caffeine. High consumption of dark chocolate can increase blood caffeine levels, which can lead to increased heart rate, nausea, dehydration, and insomnia.

According to the recommendations of experts, one should eat 30 to 60 grams of dark chocolate daily to stay healthy. Also, diabetics can consult their doctor before making a daily meal plan.

Precautions are needed to use dark chocolate

·         Dark chocolate can be eaten in moderation during pregnancy. Eating large amounts of dark chocolate increases the caffeine content, which may be genetically unsafe. Excessive caffeine consumption can cause various problems such as premature birth, low birth weight, and even miscarriage. Consult any doctor for proper use of dark chocolate and do not consume more than the recommended amount.

·         Breastfeeding or pregnant women need to be careful when using dark Chocolate. Caffeine found in dark chocolate can be passed from mother to baby, sometimes causing insomnia, restlessness, and body itching.

·         Hemophilia and bleeding patients should be taken care of while using chocolate. If consumed in excess, dark chocolate slows down the blood clotting process. It can be dangerous for hemophilia and bleeding patients.

·         The excess use of dark chocolate can increase pulse rate and shoot blood pressure.

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